Scoliosis Treatment…No Bracing No Surgery…Finding a Better Way

Understanding Scoliosis And Looking At It Differently…..
Scoliosis is more than a Cobb angle. Scoliosis is a disease of the neuromuscular skeletal system. It is not a bone condition. It is a 3 dimensional, abnormal spinal position composed of compression, translation, lateral flexion, and rotation.
Approximately 80% of scoliosis cases are defined as idiopathic which means unknown cause. The unique thing about most idiopathic scoliosis cases is the spinal structure is not abnormal at the beginning. The bones are not abnormally shaped causing the spine to be bent and rotated. The system in charge of keeping the spine upright and straight relative to gravity is malfunctioning.
Scoliosis in a nutshell is the brain misinterpretation of the body relative to gravity. It is holding the spine in an abnormal position but does not realize it. The origin of the condition appears to be not in the spine but in the brain. Posture and spinal position is controlled by the brain through involuntary postural reflexes. This is the reason you cannot correct your posture by just standing up straight. When you stop thinking about it you go right back to your original abnormal posture.
Current Medical Scoliosis Treatment Model – Does NOT Rehabilitate The Neuromuscular system???
Observation 10-25 degrees (Why wait for it to get worse? All large curves start out small!!!)
Scoliosis x-ray every 6 months to monitor/watch it get worse…
Bracing 25 degrees (Studies show the brace does not stop the progression or prevent surgeries….
Once the scoliosis begins to progress or get out of hand the hope is the brace is going to stop the progression. The goal of the brace is to stop progress not reduce or correct the scoliosis.
Statically Scoliosis Surgeries are going up not down…
Surgery 40 degrees (Scoliosis will bend/break the rods and studies show 40% become disabled )
Metal rods implanted along the side of the spine to reduce the scoliosis.
Scoliosis can improve with our scoliosis treatment system without bracing or surgery. We have treated patients domestically and internationally with great success using our unique structural correction chiropractic treatment system.
This is an example of a Scoliosis Reactive Neuromuscular Reduction Therapy that is determined specifically for each individual.
So What Is This Scoliosis Treatment Without Bracing or Surgery?
The first office visit for a scoliosis patient is comprehensive and addresses the muscular, neurologic, and spinal pathology characteristic of scoliosis. “A new patient receives a scoliosis consultation and medical history review, comprehensive scoliosis physical and neurological examination, scoliosis posture pictures, and eight precise x-rays to determine scoliosis configuration,” said Dr. Mark N. Berry.
Flexibility and Hydration Procedures: a warming up process for the spine that loosens tight muscles and ligaments, increasing hydration and nutrition to spinal discs, and allows structural changes to be made in the spine during the Spinal Alignment and Strengthen and Reeducation Procedures.
Spinal Alignment Procedures: Specialized mechanical adjusting instruments, hands, and drop table equipment are used to improve the scoliotic spine alignment.
Strengthen and Reeducation Procedures:
After the spinal adjustments are completed, the spine is set in position to allow for holding of the spinal changes. This is accomplished through neuromuscular reeducation spinal weighting and whole body vibrational therapy.
Scoliosis patients are given an individualized scoliosis home rehabilitation program to perform at their home in conjunction with office visits.
Dr. Berry comments, “Currently we have reduced or stabilized over 90 percent of scoliosis cases we have treated without the use of bracing or surgery. Results can vary case by case.”
For more information see the treatment page of our website.
Dr. Rodolfo Alfonso, D.C.
Dr. Mark N. Berry, D.C.
Sunset Chiropractic and Wellness
8585 Sunset Dr. STE 102
Miami, Florida 33143