Sunset Chiropractic & Wellness Review: The relationship between minor coronal asymmetry of the spine and measures of spinal sagittal shape in adolescents without visible scoliosis
The purpose of this work is to identify what features of overall spinal sagittal shape are associated with coronal asymmetry in those without scoliosis. Using a longitudinal analysis of Integrated Shape Imaging System 2 (ISIS2) surface topography images of those without scoliosis, measures of coronal asymmetry, along with measures of spinal sagittal shape (kyphosis, lordosis and sagittal imbalance, which is a measure of the position of the top of the thoracic spine relative to the sacrum) were analysed using linear mixed effect models (LMEM), which is a method of analysing the components of a complex model (such as that describing overall spinal shape), to ascertain the relative relationships between the parameters. Data was also analysed when subdivided for the anatomical level of coronal asymmetry (thoracic or thoracolumbar/lumbar pattern). There were 784 measures from 196 children. Kyphosis had little effect on coronal asymmetry for males and females, lordosis increased with coronal asymmetry in females only and sagittal imbalance increased with coronal asymmetry in males only. The results of the LMEM modeling were that the parameters related to coronal asymmetry were lordosis and sagittal imbalance. In thoracic coronal asymmetry, whilst lordosis was predominant, kyphosis played more of a role. In thoracolumbar/lumbar coronal asymmetry, lordosis and sagittal imbalance were the larger coefficients. Coronal asymmetry of the spine in those without scoliosis is related to features of spinal sagittal shape, particularly lordosis and sagittal imbalance. This knowledge adds to the understanding of the etiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
At Sunset Chiropractic & Wellness Structural Correction Chiropractic Treatment is selected and designed from a thorough consultation, health history, physical examination (orthopedic/neurological testing), digital posture analysis, weight bearing sitting x-rays using 41 measurements and 23 angles analyzing and comparing the spine to a mathematical model. In specific cases additional diagnostics could be ordered (Digital Motion X-rays/CTs/MRIs) to obtain or confirm a diagnosis.
The goal of our care is to have the patient improve symptomatically, functionally, and structurally and most importantly teach you how to take care of your spine so you’re less likely to be dependent on doctors in the future.
For more information on our unique chiropractic for treatment see the treatment page of our website.
Benefits of Structural Correction Chiropractic
Structural correction chiropractic can offer a number of benefits
- Relief of pain
- Improved nerve function
- Increased range of motion
- Reduced inflammation
- Improved Posture
- Improved Spinal Alignment
- Improved quality of life
Call our office Today (305) 275-7474 for a FREE consultation so we can determine the cause of your symptoms, identify the damage, and design an individualized treatment plan to get back to enjoying the thing you love doing!
We look forward to meeting you and helping you recover your health. You can get better! We can help!
Dr. Rodolfo Alfonso, D.C.
Dr. Mark N. Berry, D.C.
Sunset Chiropractic and Wellness
8585 Sunset Dr. STE 102
Miami, Florida 33143